204 research outputs found

    Familial vasculitides: granulomatosis with polyangitis and microscopic polyangitis in two brothers with differing anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody specificity

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    Anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) is a group of rare autoimmune diseases. Although the aetiology of AAV is uncertain, it is likely that genetic and environmental factors contribute. We report the unusual case of two brothers presenting with AAV with differing clinical pictures and differing ANCA specificity. There is a recently identified difference in genetic risk factors associated with ANCA specificity, making it surprising that first-degree relatives develop AAV with differing clinical and serological features. Our report illustrates the complex aetiology of AAV and suggests that further research on the interaction of genetic and environmental factors is needed

    A sore red eye with systemic involvement

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    The study of happiness has long been a playground for philosophical speculation. By lack of empirical measures of happiness, it was not possible to check propositions about the matter. In the late 20th century, survey-research methods introduced by the social sciences have brought a break-through. Dependable measures of happiness have developed, by means of which a significant body of knowledge has evolved

    CCL18 synergises with high concentrations of glucose in stimulating fibronectin production in human renal tubuloepithelial cells.

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    Background: Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end stage kidney disease worldwide. The pathogenesis of this disease remains elusive and multiple factors have been implicated. These include the effects of hyperglycaemia, haemodynamic and metabolic factors, and an inflammatory process that stimulates cellular signalling pathways leading to disease progression and severe fibrosis. Fibronectin (Fn) is an important protein of the extracellular matrix that is essential in fibrosis and its presence in increased amounts has been identified in the kidney in diabetic nephropathy. Methods: Proximal tubuloepithelial (HK-2) cells were stimulated with high glucose (30mM D-glucose) or glycated albumin (500μg/mmol) + 4mM D-glucose or their controls, Mannitol (26mM+4mM D-glucose) and 4mM D-glucose, respectively. Following 48 hours of stimulation the supernatant was collected and MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazole-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] assay performed to assess cell viability. HK-2 cells were also stimulated in the above environments with recombinant CCL18 (rCCL18) or MCP-1 (rMCP-1) for 48 hours with quantification of Fn levels using ELISA. Results: Co-stimulation of HK-2 cells with high concentrations of glucose and rCCL18 significantly increased Fn (p<0.001), in comparison to high concentrations of glucose alone. HK-2 cells stimulated with glycated albumin consistently produced Fn and this did not alter following co-stimulation with rCCL18 or rMCP-1. Conclusion: This study demonstrates how stimulation with a specific chemokine CCL18 in high glucose upregulates the production of Fn from proximal tubuloepithelial cells. This may be relevant to the development of renal fibrosis in diabetic nephropath

    A novel method for high-throughput detection and quantification of neutrophil extracellular traps reveals ROS-independent NET release with immune complexes

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    AbstractA newly-described first-line immune defence mechanism of neutrophils is the release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Immune complexes (ICxs) induce low level NET release. As such, the in vitro quantification of NETs is challenging with current methodologies. In order to investigate the role of NET release in ICx-mediated autoimmune diseases, we developed a highly sensitive and automated method for quantification of NETs. After labelling human neutrophils with PKH26 and extracellular DNA with Sytox green, cells are fixed and automatically imaged with 3-dimensional confocal laser scanning microscopy (3D-CLSM). NET release is then quantified with digital image analysis whereby the NET amount (Sytox green area) is corrected for the number of imaged neutrophils (PKH26 area). A high sensitivity of the assay is achieved by a) significantly augmenting the area of the well imaged (11%) as compared to conventional assays (0.5%) and b) using a 3D imaging technique for optimal capture of NETs, which are topologically superimposed on neutrophils. In this assay, we confirmed low levels of NET release upon human ICx stimulation which were positive for citrullinated histones and neutrophil elastase. In contrast to PMA-induced NET release, ICx-induced NET release was unchanged when co-incubated with diphenyleneiodonium (DPI). We were able to quantify NET release upon stimulation with serum from RA and SLE patients, which was not observed with normal human serum. To our knowledge, this is the first semi-automated assay capable of sensitive detection and quantification of NET release at a low threshold by using 3D CLSM. The assay is applicable in a high-throughput manner and allows the in vitro analysis of NET release in ICx-mediated autoimmune diseases

    Long- term outcome of paediatric patients with ANCA vasculitis

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    Background: Primary systemic vasculitis presenting in childhood is an uncommon but serious condition. As these patients transfer to adult clinics for continuing care, defining long term outcomes with emphasis on disease and treatment-related morbidity and mortality is important. The aim of this study is to describe the long-term clinical course of paediatric patients with ANCA vasculitis.Methods: The adult patients in our vasculitis clinics who had presented in childhood, with a follow up time of greater than 10 years were included. We also reviewed the literature for articles describing the clinical outcome of paediatric patients with ANCA vasculitis.Results: We describe the clinical course of 8 adults who presented in childhood with ANCA vasculitis. 7 patients had Wegener's granulomatosis and 1 had microscopic polyangiitis. The median age at presentation was 11.5 years, and follow up time ranged form 11 to 30 years. Induction therapy for all patients was steroids and/or cyclophosphamide. Maintenance therapy was with azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil. Biological agents were used in 3 patients for relapsed disease in adulthood only. Seven patients achieved complete remission. All patients experienced disease relapse, with a median of 4 episodes. Kidney function was generally well preserved, with median eGFR 76 ml/min. Only one patient developed end-stage renal failure and one patient died after 25 years of disease. Treatment-related morbidity rates were high; 7 suffered from infections, 4 were infertile, 2 had skeletal complications, and 1 developed malignancy.Conclusion: Close long-term follow up of paediatric patients with ANCA vasculitis is imperative, as this patient cohort is likely to live long enough to develop significant treatment and disease-related morbidities. Prospective cohort studies with novel therapies including paediatric patients are crucial to help us determine the best approach to managing this complex group of patients. In addition, although not yet observed in our series, late cardiovascular morbidity remains a major longer-term potential concern for adult survivors of paediatric vasculitis

    Prolonged B Cell Depletion with Rituximab is Effective in Treating Refractory Pulmonary Granulomatous Inflammation in Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis

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    Objective - Pulmonary nodule formation is a frequent feature of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). Traditional induction therapy includes methotrexate or cyclophosphamide, however, pulmonary nodules generally respond slower than vasculitic components of disease. Efficacy of rituximab (RTX) solely for the treatment of pulmonary nodules has not been assessed. In this observational cohort study, we report patient outcomes with RTX in GPA patients with pulmonary nodules who failed to achieve remission following conventional immunosuppression. Methods - Patients (n = 5) with persistent pulmonary nodules were identified from our clinic database and retrospectively evaluated. Systemic manifestations, inflammatory markers, disease activity, concurrent immunosuppression and absolute B cell numbers were recorded pre-RTX and at 6 monthly intervals following treatment. Chest radiographs at each time point were scored by an experienced radiologist, blinded to clinical details. Results - Five patients with GPA and PR3-ANCA were evaluated (2 male, 3 female), mean age 34 (22-52) years. Pulmonary nodules (median 4, range 2-6), with or without cavitation were present in all patients. RTX induced initial B cell depletion (< 5 cells/µl) in all patients but re-population was observed in 3 patients. Repeated RTX treatment in these three and persistent B cell depletion in the whole cohort was associated with further significant radiological improvement. Radiographic scoring at each time interval showed reduction in both number of nodules (p = <0.0001) and largest nodule diameter (p = <0.0001) in all patients for at least 18 months following B cell depletion. Conclusion - RTX therapy induces resolution of pulmonary granulomatous inflammation in GPA following prolonged B cell depletion

    Progressive IgA Nephropathy Is Associated With Low Circulating Mannan-Binding Lectin-Associated Serine Protease-3 (MASP-3) and Increased Glomerular Factor H-Related Protein-5 (FHR5) Deposition

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    Introduction IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is characterized by glomerular deposition of galactose-deficient IgA1 and complement proteins and leads to renal impairment. Complement deposition through the alternative and lectin activation pathways is associated with renal injury. Methods To elucidate the contribution of the lectin pathway to IgAN, we measured the 11 plasma lectin pathway components in a well-characterized cohort of patients with IgAN. Results M-ficolin, L-ficolin, mannan-binding lectin (MBL)–associated serine protease (MASP)-1 and MBL-associated protein (MAp) 19 were increased, whereas plasma MASP-3 levels were decreased in patients with IgAN compared with healthy controls. Progressive disease was associated with low plasma MASP-3 levels and increased glomerular staining for C3b/iC3b/C3c, C3d, C4d, C5b-9, and factor H–related protein 5 (FHR5). Glomerular FHR5 deposition positively correlated with glomerular C3b/iC3b/C3c, C3d, and C5b-9 deposition, but not with glomerular C4d. These observations, together with the finding that glomerular factor H (fH) deposition was reduced in progressive disease, are consistent with a role for fH deregulation by FHR5 in renal injury in IgAN. Conclusion Our data indicate that circulating MASP-3 levels could be used as a biomarker of disease severity in IgAN and that glomerular staining for FHR5 could both indicate alternative complement pathway activation and be a tissue marker of disease severity

    Characterisation of an enhanced preclinical model of experimental MPO-ANCA autoimmune vasculitis

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    Experimental autoimmune vasculitis (EAV) is a model of antineutrophil cytoplasm antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) induced by immunisation of susceptible rat strains with myeloperoxidase (MPO). Animals develop circulating MPO-ANCA, pulmonary haemorrhage and glomerulonephritis, although renal injury is mild and recovers spontaneously without treatment. In this study we aimed to augment the severity of glomerulonephritis. Following induction of EAV on day 0, a sub-nephritogenic dose of nephrotoxic serum (NTS) containing heterologous antibodies to glomerular basement membrane was administered on day 14. This resulted in a significant increase in disease severity at day 28 compared to MPO immunisation alone - with more urinary abnormalities, infiltrating glomerular leucocytes, and crescent formation that progressed to glomerular and tubulointerstitial scarring by day 56, recapitulating important features of human disease. Importantly, the glomerulonephritis remained pauci-immune, and was strictly dependent on the presence of autoimmunity to MPO, as there was no evidence of renal disease following administration of sub-nephritogenic NTS alone or after immunisation with a control protein in place of MPO. Detailed phenotyping of glomerular leucocytes identified an early infiltrate of non-classical monocytes following NTS administration that, in the presence of autoimmunity to MPO, may initiate the subsequent influx of classical monocytes which augment glomerular injury. We also showed that this model can be used to test novel therapeutics by using a small molecule kinase inhibitor (fostamatinib) that rapidly attenuated both glomerular and pulmonary injury over a four-day treatment period. We believe that this enhanced model of MPO-AAV will prove useful for the study of glomerular leucocyte behaviour and novel therapeutics in AAV in the future. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved